Praying ICF Rotterdam Noord

Join the Prayer Ministry Team!

Do you believe in the power of prayer and love to see the Lord working beautifully through it?!

Maybe you have a gifting, a calling or simply a passion to be a part of our prayer ministry team?!

We pray with people, always in twos, after every Sunday service for 20 minutes or so. There is also the wonderful opportunity to lead intercessory prayers during the service.

If this speaks to you, then we would welcome you to join us.

We simply require that you are a member of ICF-Noord and can join our five-week training course, starting this coming January. The course helps to equip and ensure that we are all on the same page in this valuable ministry. 

If you have any questions or would like to sign up for the training (all invited!) please speak to Gill, Pastor Fred or any of the prayer ministry team after one of our Sunday services or on +447803287376 (Gill).

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