We kindly invite you to support the mission of ICF Rotterdam-Noord through financial contributions. Your generous donations play an important role in enabling us to fulfill our mission effectively. We place a strong emphasis on voluntary giving from a joyful heart. You cannot give what you do not have, but nothing is more beautiful than when God's generosity becomes tangible in our generosity.
‘I always have such a great time learning Dutch at the ICF-Noord Language Café. Great planning, awesome group and learning is just fun.’
(Laulinda from Germany)
Without the help of financial donations, we would not be able to provide newcomers to Rotterdam like, Laulinda, with the opportunity to take part in our Dutch Language Cafe. A place for people to find community, improve their Dutch language skills and hear the Gospel. Just one example of the ways we are striving to serve the city of Rotterdam and share the love of Jesus.
We are thankful that ICF-Noord is growing and thriving, but it is far from standing on its own two feet. Gifts from entrepreneurs, private individuals and churches, legacies and collections are therefore urgently needed. Please stand with us and give a gift today.
Financial contributions can be transferred to:
ICF Noord HervGem R’dam
NL12RABO 0335473563
ICF Rotterdam-North is part of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands and registered as ANBI, which means your gifts are tax-deductible.
“a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne”
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