Welcome home

ICF Rotterdam-Noord is an intercultural church in the heart of Rotterdam. Every Sunday we come together to sing, pray, read from the Bible and share in fellowship with one another. Our doors are open to all; whoever you are, wherever you come from and whatever you believe.

Our church, however, is much more than just a Sunday. Outside of our Sunday services, we eat together, meet in Missional Communities, and do what we can to make meaningful contributions to each other’s lives and the city at large.

Being a multi-ethnic and socially diverse church, it fills us with joy that our congregation is just as colourful as the city centre on a busy Saturday afternoon. However, despite our many beautiful differences, we all share one thing in common: a love for and desire to follow Jesus Christ.

ICF-Noord is a church ‘of all nations, for all nations’, an intercultural community where people find, follow, and proclaim Jesus.

Who we are bbq ICF Rotterdam Noord (1)

“Father, let them be one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”

Why a Diverse Church?

Rotterdam is a colourful city and home to 170 different nationalities all sharing the same space. In the neighbourhoods of our church alone, 70% of residents have a migrant background. And while churches tend to divide along ethnic and economic lines, we believe the Kingdom of God to not be bound by such things. For this reason, we long to see diversity represented in His Church.

Digging into this a bit further, throughout the Bible, we see that God's heart goes out to “all the families of the earth” (Genesis 12). Jesus sends His disciples (followers of Jesus) to the ends of the earth by saying: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28).

We see His heart's desire again when He passionately prays: “Father, let them be one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” (John 17).

And we longingly anticipate that heavenly scene of “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne” (Revelation 7).

Bible scrollfoto ICF Rotterdam Noord

“a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne” 


ICF Rotterdam-Noord is part of the Protestantse Kerk Rotterdam-Centrum, a sister church of ICF Rotterdam-Zuid, a pioneer site of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PKN). We are also affiliated with Intercultural Church Plants (ICP), Reaching Rotterdam and SKIN-Rotterdam. Our efforts in the neighbourhood are done together with other churches within the Rotterdam Dorst platform.

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