Do you want to learn to pray for others?
Become more confident in your prayer life?
Grow more intimate with God?
When: Five Tuesdays in early 2024
Dates: January 9, 23; February 6; March 5, 19
Where: Waterpleinkerk - Simonstraat 8, Rotterdam
Time: 19:30 - 22:00
Cost: €25 - includes course materials
Language: Dutch and English (via headsets)
Leader: Jonathan Westerkamp, 24-7 Prayer Rotterdam
Registration: Gill de Zeeuw on gillytyson@ymail.com or on +44 7803287376
Night 1: Ministry - Biblical foundations and practice
Night 2: Listening to God's voice
Night 3: Forgiveness
Night 4: Healing
Night 5: Dealing with evil forces
In collaboration with 24-7 Prayer Rotterdam
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