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Flowers on Ascension Day

On Ascension Day, we held a cheerful Serve the City event at Eudokiaplein Shopping Centre. With a cargo bike loaded with 150 colourful Gerberas, we ventured into the neighbourhood to bring a smile to the faces of local residents.

The cheerful flowers were received with great enthusiasm. Each plant had a card attached with a Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 13 and a QR code to our website. Through this gesture, we hope to have sown some Faith, Hope, and Love in the hearts of people and that they will find us if they desire more. The event was a collaboration between the Baptist Church, the Proveniershuis Community, and ICF North. IMG 20240517 WA0017IMG 20240517 WA0022IMG 20240517 WA0023IMG 20240517 WA0016

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