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Celebrating five years of ICF Rotterdam-Noord

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:22-23)

A loving prayer from Jesus as he stood on the brink of going to the cross and prepared to give his life for us. And a reminder to all believers that as we stand at the foot of his cross, we must stand in unity with Jesus as our centre.

Five years ago, on the day of the Rotterdam marathon, this prayer rang true for a group of believers from different corners of the world as they met for the very first ICF-Rotterdam Noord service. The start of a wonderfully surprising, challenging and joy-filled journey shining Jesus’ light into the city.

Last month, as once again the streets of Rotterdam filled up with marathon runners, ICF-Noord celebrated its own journey and five-year anniversary!


The church was decked out with colourful balloons and banners as old and new ICF-Noord family members gathered together to celebrate the occasion. A service filled with dancing, beautiful worship in all different languages, testimonies of God’s goodness over five-years, prayer and praise, and plenty of birthday cake!

Every tribe, tongue and nation

Pastor Fred brought the congregation back to Jesus’ words in John 17 and the importance of remaining united through the love of Jesus. A message which five years on rings even more true as conflict and disunity blights so many parts of the world.

So, as we look back over five years of ICF, how wonderful it is to see this in action with 35 nationalities represented across our members and regular visitors - united as one in Jesus.

There is lots more to be thankful for too, with; 5 weddings (2 more this year), an amazing 14 baptisms, 73 registered members and many new areas of ministry.

We look forward with expectation as we continue to ‘run with endurance the race God has marked out for us’ (Hebrews 12:1) as a church and proclaim Jesus in the city of Rotterdam.

If you have not been to ICF Rotterdam-Noord before, we invite you to join us for a Sunday service. Our doors are open to all; whoever you are, wherever you come from and whatever you believe. Find out more here.

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