Every Tuesday 7 - 8:30 PM
Dear friends, you are warmly welcome to the Bible study of Well of Life. We have prepared another beautiful spiritual meal. The theme this time is 'Fishers of Men.' In preparation, you can already read Matthew 4:12-25 and watch the video below (subtitles under 'settings').
سلام يا غاليين موعدنا غدا في مجموعة ينبوع الحياة ولدينا وجبة روحية دسمة. والموضوع هو: صيادي الناس. ممكن تحضر متى: ٤ من ١٢ ال ٢٥ وتشاهد الفيديو.
أهلا بكم في العنوان الموجود وسنبدأ الساعة ٧ مساءا
Every Tuesday evening, Arabic-Dutch Bible study from 7 to 8.30 pm, Noordsingel 92.
For more information, contact Samer Younan (Arabic) at +31 6 40 84 60 59 or Fred Kappinga (Dutch) at +31 6 21 21 27 26.
You are welcome, whoever you are and whatever you believe!
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