A Melancholic Relief
A Melancholic Relief (Mark 14v32-36) - "Father, not my will but yours be done." This quote of Jesus has gone down as one of the most profound and moving in history. And with it comes more than just beautiful words. Jesus' quote here is a model and a challenge to His followers. A challenge to do something countless people fail to... let it go. Come this Sunday as Jon examines how Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane moves us to surrender the many attachments of life into the loving hands of the Father.
Sunday, 1 PM
Proveniersstraat 52
🗣 The whole service is bilingual, English/Dutch
🚸Children's Bible Club for ages 4-12
🍊🥑🍇Feel free to bring some food to share
🕐 Sunday, 1 PM, Proveniersstraat 52
📺Live stream via our YouTube channel
Announcements Sunday November 17
Starting on Time!
From this Sunday, our gatherings will begin at 1:00 PM sharp. We’re sticking to the schedule, so please make sure you arrive on time!
Meet Our Safe Church Confidential Advisor!
Today, she will be introduced to the congregation as our trusted point of contact for all matters related to church safety and support.
We’re looking for help in the kitchen team!
Join a friendly team and contribute to the warm hospitality of our church. Find all details here.
Prefer to help from the comfort of your home?
Check out this important vacancy and get involved from your computer!
Regular Programme and events
15 November 7:30 PM, Young Adults
16 November, 8 AM, Men's Breakfast
8 December, 11 AM, Baptism Laulinda and Cherry Ann
8 December, 1 PM, African Sunday and Baptism after party
21 December, 7:00 PM, Pre-Christmas-Celebration with our children
(ICF will not hold a Christmas service on Christmas Day, December 25)
Check out our complete schedule
ICF-Noord is an active missional church whose members cannot fully support the entire budget on their own. Donations made in solidarity with the work in the city are therefore greatly appreciated. Thank you! Join the mission of ICF-North
The Lords Prayer
Every Sunday, we conclude our intercessory prayer by collectively reciting the 'Our Father,' each in our native language. We wholeheartedly encourage you to join in! If you're not yet familiar with the text, you can easily find it on this website.
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